Monday, February 11, 2019

New Zealand war criminals

New Zealand war criminals

Nazi extremists are banned all over the world. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. Go back to your rugby keep out of politics. You are recognized as New Zealand war criminals. Some of your relatives were Nazis in WW2, big secret, where you get some of your ideas from. A Service called Gestapo is not acceptable in New Zealand today. Political violence gone toxic. Way out of control. No more state within a state, no more torture and no more political prisoners in plain sight. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Sadism disorder, get some treatment for it.

I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Reading, writing and history research is not a crime, not crazy. I am a member of the Internet party. I am going to Wellington to live soon. Its got so bad in Christchurch. Much worse than the earthquakes. I never felt like leaving then, not a problem. Ive been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I got robbed and forced into homelessness, banned from getting another flat, by these stalkers and sadists. Im going to get my privacy back, when I get into a flat in Wellington. These Nazi extremists use illegal electronic equipment to target me and invade my space, with threats, lies, slander, hate and political violence. They have no right. The government is not paying them to bully me. They should not have government jobs. Abuse of power.

Threats to do crimes they have done before. Sadistic horror, war crimes. Kidnapping, torture, worse than waterboarding in Christchurch, trafficking, ID theft fraud, invasions of privacy, harrassment, forced associations, forced marriages to their Nazi pawn gang mates. Not my life, not my politics. I dont write about your mates, I have no tatoos and ive never been to jail. I dont use drugs. The lies and slander you tell others. Big prison record, covered in tatoos, uses drugs all day. Is pure fiction, imagination. If we had our way you would be. I am not crazy. you think anyone thats not a Nazi like you is crazy, able to be tortured, above the law, get away with any horror crime. De humanize, discredit, de civilianize your victims. Fire drones through your window.

Their policy is to do the crimes, deny it and blame victims forever and ever. ISIS have a better policy than that. Claim responsibility for your crimes. The Mafia are more humane than you would ever be. They may shoot you if they dont like you. What you Nazi extremists do is extreme bullying, force victims to kill themselves, to avoid using a bullet or getting the blame, say they are crazy when they are normal. A nasty form of murder. Then on top of that you do extreme victim blaming. Only in New Zealand.

New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide, by far, in the world. Worse than a war zone like Yemen or Syria. New Zealand kids are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. You Nazi extremists are a big part of the problem. Ban  Nazi extremism from government jobs and watch the youth suicide rate drop. Police brutality targeting kids involves, car chases, crashes and deaths. This is a daily occurance, only in New Zealand.

They have been recognized as New Zealand war criminals. I have given up being a victim of your horror. You will never do those crimes to me again. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I vote within the system, you dont. If you dont like my politics, what I read, write or research, get some tolerance, you have no right to hold me or anyone else political prisoners in your state within a state.  State of emergency. Sack a Nazi from a government job, save a kids life.  Im not a teen. You have no right to dictate to me or anyone else. Its my life, my work and you can mind your own business. You have no right to prevent anyone from getting on with their life. 

Build a new high security jail for these Nazi war criminals in New Zealand. The kids wont put up with it either. Dont underestimate the kids. You register kids as rape victims, coz you dont like their parents politics. Then you use them to frame up others, who you dont like their politics. No one deserves to be framed up. Victims are not workers. There is no demand for people who are totally unwilling. Its not a service to anyone. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. Your Service is called the Gestapo. Go back to your rugby and keep out of politics.

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