Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Как ardern & Morrison meet, Германия подписалась на Великобританию в клиринге Huawei-NZ Herald
Как ardern & Morrison meet, Германия подписалась на Великобританию в клиринге Huawei-NZ Herald: Еще одно осложнение для Ардерна и Моррисона, которые, как ожидается, обсудят Huawei сегодня.
Пожарные сражаются в заброшенном доме Avonside house в красной зоне | вещи Крайстчерча
Пожарные сражаются в заброшенном доме Avonside house в красной зоне | вещи Крайстчерча Пожар в заброшенном доме в Эйвонсайде был "хорошо вовлечен", когда пожарные прибыли.
Europe to Sign Own 'Suicide Pact' If Hosts New US Missiles – German Politician - Sputnik International
Europe to Sign Own 'Suicide Pact' If Hosts New US Missiles – German Politician - Sputnik International: MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Europe’s possible agreement to host US intermediate and shorter-range ballistic missiles will be tantamount to signing a "suicide pact" in light of Russia’s declared resolve to target these potential security threats, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the leader of Germany’s Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party, told Sputnik.
Крайстчерч делает паузу в 12.51 вечера сегодня, чтобы вспомнить 22 февраля 2011 землетрясения жертв-NZ Herald
Крайстчерч делает паузу в 12.51 вечера сегодня, чтобы вспомнить 22 февраля 2011 землетрясения жертв-NZ Herald: Смертельное землетрясение ударило в 12.51 вечера восемь лет назад.
US military conducts observation flight over Russia
US military conducts observation flight over Russia: US military conducts observation flight over Russia
Cuba denies military in Venezuela, charges U.S. readies ...
Cuba denies military in Venezuela, charges U.S. readies ...: VENEZUELA-CUBA/ (PIX, TV):Cuba denies military in Venezuela, charges U.S. readies intervention
Putin: We'll target USA if Washington deploys missiles in ...
Putin: We'll target USA if Washington deploys missiles in ...: RUSSIA-PUTIN/USA-MISSILES (URGENT):Putin: We'll target USA if Washington deploys missiles in Europe
"Вранье всей стране": Порошенко рассказал, как лично уносил погибших с Майдана • вара/Zone
"Вранье всей стране": Порошенко рассказал, как лично уносил погибших с Майдана • вара/Zone: Зона сталкера-антивоенная, антилиберальная и антикапиталистическая.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Monday, February 18, 2019
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Will The Yves Bouvier Affair Lead To Changes In EU Law? – OpEd – Eurasia Review
Will The Yves Bouvier Affair Lead To Changes In EU Law? – OpEd – Eurasia Review: Will The Yves Bouvier Affair Lead To Changes In EU Law? – OpEd – Eurasia Review -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report
NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report: NHS Stockpiling Body Bags In Case Of No Deal Brexit – Nwo Report -
Friday, February 15, 2019
Man saved from burning fishing vessel off Westport |
Man saved from burning fishing vessel off Westport | Man saved from burning fishing vessel off Westport | -
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub
Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub: Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub -
Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub
Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub: Billionaire NZ businessman Christopher Chandler accused of Russian spy links | Newshub -
Mark Reason: New Zealand golf is turning into little America |
Mark Reason: New Zealand golf is turning into little America | Mark Reason: New Zealand golf is turning into little America | -
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
OMV покупает Taranaki gas field stakes / земельная информация Новая Зеландия (Линц)
OMV покупает Taranaki gas field stakes / земельная информация Новая Зеландия (Линц): OMV покупает Taranaki gas field stakes / земельная информация Новая Зеландия (Линц) -
У Гисборна осталось только 24 часа на водоснабжение после утечки в магистральном трубопроводе | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ
У Гисборна осталось только 24 часа на водоснабжение после утечки в магистральном трубопроводе | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ: У Гисборна осталось только 24 часа на водоснабжение после утечки в магистральном трубопроводе | 1 NEWS NOW | TVNZ -
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Monday, February 11, 2019
CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017
CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017: CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017 -
CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017
CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017: CIA делает 12 миллионов рассекреченных страниц доступными онлайн / Новости | DW / 18.01.2017 -
New Zealand war criminals
New Zealand war criminals
Nazi extremists are banned all over the world. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. Go back to your rugby keep out of politics. You are recognized as New Zealand war criminals. Some of your relatives were Nazis in WW2, big secret, where you get some of your ideas from. A Service called Gestapo is not acceptable in New Zealand today. Political violence gone toxic. Way out of control. No more state within a state, no more torture and no more political prisoners in plain sight. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Sadism disorder, get some treatment for it.
I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Reading, writing and history research is not a crime, not crazy. I am a member of the Internet party. I am going to Wellington to live soon. Its got so bad in Christchurch. Much worse than the earthquakes. I never felt like leaving then, not a problem. Ive been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I got robbed and forced into homelessness, banned from getting another flat, by these stalkers and sadists. Im going to get my privacy back, when I get into a flat in Wellington. These Nazi extremists use illegal electronic equipment to target me and invade my space, with threats, lies, slander, hate and political violence. They have no right. The government is not paying them to bully me. They should not have government jobs. Abuse of power.
Threats to do crimes they have done before. Sadistic horror, war crimes. Kidnapping, torture, worse than waterboarding in Christchurch, trafficking, ID theft fraud, invasions of privacy, harrassment, forced associations, forced marriages to their Nazi pawn gang mates. Not my life, not my politics. I dont write about your mates, I have no tatoos and ive never been to jail. I dont use drugs. The lies and slander you tell others. Big prison record, covered in tatoos, uses drugs all day. Is pure fiction, imagination. If we had our way you would be. I am not crazy. you think anyone thats not a Nazi like you is crazy, able to be tortured, above the law, get away with any horror crime. De humanize, discredit, de civilianize your victims. Fire drones through your window.
Their policy is to do the crimes, deny it and blame victims forever and ever. ISIS have a better policy than that. Claim responsibility for your crimes. The Mafia are more humane than you would ever be. They may shoot you if they dont like you. What you Nazi extremists do is extreme bullying, force victims to kill themselves, to avoid using a bullet or getting the blame, say they are crazy when they are normal. A nasty form of murder. Then on top of that you do extreme victim blaming. Only in New Zealand.
New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide, by far, in the world. Worse than a war zone like Yemen or Syria. New Zealand kids are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. You Nazi extremists are a big part of the problem. Ban Nazi extremism from government jobs and watch the youth suicide rate drop. Police brutality targeting kids involves, car chases, crashes and deaths. This is a daily occurance, only in New Zealand.
They have been recognized as New Zealand war criminals. I have given up being a victim of your horror. You will never do those crimes to me again. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I vote within the system, you dont. If you dont like my politics, what I read, write or research, get some tolerance, you have no right to hold me or anyone else political prisoners in your state within a state. State of emergency. Sack a Nazi from a government job, save a kids life. Im not a teen. You have no right to dictate to me or anyone else. Its my life, my work and you can mind your own business. You have no right to prevent anyone from getting on with their life.
Build a new high security jail for these Nazi war criminals in New Zealand. The kids wont put up with it either. Dont underestimate the kids. You register kids as rape victims, coz you dont like their parents politics. Then you use them to frame up others, who you dont like their politics. No one deserves to be framed up. Victims are not workers. There is no demand for people who are totally unwilling. Its not a service to anyone. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. Your Service is called the Gestapo. Go back to your rugby and keep out of politics.
Nazi extremists are banned all over the world. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. Go back to your rugby keep out of politics. You are recognized as New Zealand war criminals. Some of your relatives were Nazis in WW2, big secret, where you get some of your ideas from. A Service called Gestapo is not acceptable in New Zealand today. Political violence gone toxic. Way out of control. No more state within a state, no more torture and no more political prisoners in plain sight. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Sadism disorder, get some treatment for it.
I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Reading, writing and history research is not a crime, not crazy. I am a member of the Internet party. I am going to Wellington to live soon. Its got so bad in Christchurch. Much worse than the earthquakes. I never felt like leaving then, not a problem. Ive been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I got robbed and forced into homelessness, banned from getting another flat, by these stalkers and sadists. Im going to get my privacy back, when I get into a flat in Wellington. These Nazi extremists use illegal electronic equipment to target me and invade my space, with threats, lies, slander, hate and political violence. They have no right. The government is not paying them to bully me. They should not have government jobs. Abuse of power.
Threats to do crimes they have done before. Sadistic horror, war crimes. Kidnapping, torture, worse than waterboarding in Christchurch, trafficking, ID theft fraud, invasions of privacy, harrassment, forced associations, forced marriages to their Nazi pawn gang mates. Not my life, not my politics. I dont write about your mates, I have no tatoos and ive never been to jail. I dont use drugs. The lies and slander you tell others. Big prison record, covered in tatoos, uses drugs all day. Is pure fiction, imagination. If we had our way you would be. I am not crazy. you think anyone thats not a Nazi like you is crazy, able to be tortured, above the law, get away with any horror crime. De humanize, discredit, de civilianize your victims. Fire drones through your window.
Their policy is to do the crimes, deny it and blame victims forever and ever. ISIS have a better policy than that. Claim responsibility for your crimes. The Mafia are more humane than you would ever be. They may shoot you if they dont like you. What you Nazi extremists do is extreme bullying, force victims to kill themselves, to avoid using a bullet or getting the blame, say they are crazy when they are normal. A nasty form of murder. Then on top of that you do extreme victim blaming. Only in New Zealand.
New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide, by far, in the world. Worse than a war zone like Yemen or Syria. New Zealand kids are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. You Nazi extremists are a big part of the problem. Ban Nazi extremism from government jobs and watch the youth suicide rate drop. Police brutality targeting kids involves, car chases, crashes and deaths. This is a daily occurance, only in New Zealand.
They have been recognized as New Zealand war criminals. I have given up being a victim of your horror. You will never do those crimes to me again. Calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in New Zealand. I vote within the system, you dont. If you dont like my politics, what I read, write or research, get some tolerance, you have no right to hold me or anyone else political prisoners in your state within a state. State of emergency. Sack a Nazi from a government job, save a kids life. Im not a teen. You have no right to dictate to me or anyone else. Its my life, my work and you can mind your own business. You have no right to prevent anyone from getting on with their life.
Build a new high security jail for these Nazi war criminals in New Zealand. The kids wont put up with it either. Dont underestimate the kids. You register kids as rape victims, coz you dont like their parents politics. Then you use them to frame up others, who you dont like their politics. No one deserves to be framed up. Victims are not workers. There is no demand for people who are totally unwilling. Its not a service to anyone. Minimum wage zero is not the minimum wage. Your Service is called the Gestapo. Go back to your rugby and keep out of politics.
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Christchurch New Zealand update
Christchurch New Zealand update
Worse than the earthquakes. Nazi Gestapo, with sadism disorder, from Manakau, arranging holidays for rugby players in Christchurch. Waterboarding on the Avon river, using illegally imported waterboards from Queenstown. The motto, we are above the law. The SERVICE as they call it, Gestapo from Manakau. Nazis without a political party. Worse than Alt right or Conservative. Outside the system in the freezer box. I have been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in NZ. Internet party. Revenge attacks go toxic. Rugby flags instead of NZ flags. Trying to run state within a state in NZ. Illegally holding political prisoners, slaves, torture victims in plain sight. Some forced into horror situations with their Nazi pawn gang mates, using extreme bullying. Those with different politics to them. In other words, anyone who votes within the system. Bullying wont replace voting. They dont listen, they missed that class in school where they were taught the word NO.
The great escape from Christchurch. Wellington in sight. I never felt like leaving Christchurch coz of the earthquakes. This is much worse. Bye bye bullies. Bullying is illegal now. Extreme bullying is like a war crime. New Zealand war criminals. Nazi extremists run a SERVICE called GESTAPO, but no political party. The nearest Nazi party is in Australia. Maybe you could import your waterboards from there. Try Wiji boards as well, keep in touch with your mate Hitler. Honored for services to Hitler. Implicate the Queen in your war crimes. In the UK extremism is recognized and you go to jail. Not so in New Zealand. The motto, we are above the law. Nazi laws dont apply in NZ. Resign. Resign. Before you Nazi extremists get banned from having government jobs. Forget neo Nazis these creps are neo war criminals. Research shows their families as real Nazis in WW2, not fighting Nazis at all. Big secret in NZ. Names kept hidden.
Journalism, research and writing is stolen from the owners and called old news. These Nazis without a party have other ideas for the South island NZ. Kick out those who were born here. Replace them with American war criminals. Their NZ Nazi mates. You dont have to be Jewish to be a victim. Next tourism venture in Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu waterboarding holidays, especially for Rugby players. As they dig up the bodies of the Chinese early settlers and send the records to Wellington. Replace local NZ business owners with Americans. The Yanks never came here to settle, just a bunch of whalers and rogues.
Im looking forward to going to Wellington to live. The great escape from the Christchurch Nazi horror movie. Bye bye rugby flags and extreme bullying.
Worse than the earthquakes. Nazi Gestapo, with sadism disorder, from Manakau, arranging holidays for rugby players in Christchurch. Waterboarding on the Avon river, using illegally imported waterboards from Queenstown. The motto, we are above the law. The SERVICE as they call it, Gestapo from Manakau. Nazis without a political party. Worse than Alt right or Conservative. Outside the system in the freezer box. I have been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned in NZ. Internet party. Revenge attacks go toxic. Rugby flags instead of NZ flags. Trying to run state within a state in NZ. Illegally holding political prisoners, slaves, torture victims in plain sight. Some forced into horror situations with their Nazi pawn gang mates, using extreme bullying. Those with different politics to them. In other words, anyone who votes within the system. Bullying wont replace voting. They dont listen, they missed that class in school where they were taught the word NO.
The great escape from Christchurch. Wellington in sight. I never felt like leaving Christchurch coz of the earthquakes. This is much worse. Bye bye bullies. Bullying is illegal now. Extreme bullying is like a war crime. New Zealand war criminals. Nazi extremists run a SERVICE called GESTAPO, but no political party. The nearest Nazi party is in Australia. Maybe you could import your waterboards from there. Try Wiji boards as well, keep in touch with your mate Hitler. Honored for services to Hitler. Implicate the Queen in your war crimes. In the UK extremism is recognized and you go to jail. Not so in New Zealand. The motto, we are above the law. Nazi laws dont apply in NZ. Resign. Resign. Before you Nazi extremists get banned from having government jobs. Forget neo Nazis these creps are neo war criminals. Research shows their families as real Nazis in WW2, not fighting Nazis at all. Big secret in NZ. Names kept hidden.
Journalism, research and writing is stolen from the owners and called old news. These Nazis without a party have other ideas for the South island NZ. Kick out those who were born here. Replace them with American war criminals. Their NZ Nazi mates. You dont have to be Jewish to be a victim. Next tourism venture in Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu waterboarding holidays, especially for Rugby players. As they dig up the bodies of the Chinese early settlers and send the records to Wellington. Replace local NZ business owners with Americans. The Yanks never came here to settle, just a bunch of whalers and rogues.
Im looking forward to going to Wellington to live. The great escape from the Christchurch Nazi horror movie. Bye bye rugby flags and extreme bullying.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Monday, February 4, 2019
Венесуэла подтверждает запасы Колтана в 100 миллиардов долларов-Global ResearchGlobal Research-Центр исследований по глобализации
Венесуэла подтверждает запасы Колтана в 100 миллиардов долларов-Global ResearchGlobal Research-Центр исследований по глобализации: Венесуэла подтверждает запасы Колтана в 100 миллиардов долларов-Global ResearchGlobal Research-Центр исследований по глобализации -
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Saturday, February 2, 2019
US Has No Plans to Deploy Nuclear-Armed Systems in Post-INF Europe - Pentagon - Sputnik International
US Has No Plans to Deploy Nuclear-Armed Systems in Post-INF Europe - Pentagon - Sputnik International: Вашингтон (Спутник) - Соединенные Штаты не имеют никаких планов по развертыванию ракет или ядерных систем в Европе после выхода из ядерных сил средней дальности (INF), заявил на форуме заместитель Министра обороны США по вопросам политики Дэвид Трахтенберг.
Friday, February 1, 2019
Сингапурская артиллерия на набережной Веллингтона после ежегодных учений в Waiouru /
Сингапурская артиллерия на набережной Веллингтона после ежегодных учений в Waiouru / Военные машины на пути домой в Сингапур из Waiouru.
"Опасный" Антарктический ледник имеет массивную яму, предупреждают ученые
"Опасный" Антарктический ледник имеет массивную яму, предупреждают ученые Большая полость двух третей размера Манхэттена образуется при Антарктическом леднике и может добавить "значительного удара" к уровню моря, предупреждает НАСА.
США дают Хуану Гуайдо контроль над некоторыми активами Венесуэлы | Новости США | Al Jazeera
США дают Хуану Гуайдо контроль над некоторыми активами Венесуэлы | Новости США | Al Jazeera: Усиливая давление на Мадуро, США передали контроль над банковскими счетами Венесуэлы в США лидеру оппозиции
США дают Хуану Гуайдо контроль над некоторыми активами Венесуэлы | Новости США | Al Jazeera
США дают Хуану Гуайдо контроль над некоторыми активами Венесуэлы | Новости США | Al Jazeera: Усиливая давление на Мадуро, США передали контроль над банковскими счетами Венесуэлы в США лидеру оппозиции
Человек появляется в суде с полицейской собакой укус раны после Окленда погони автомобиля-NZ Herald
Человек появляется в суде с полицейской собакой укус раны после Окленда погони автомобиля-NZ Herald: Мужчина оказался в суде в видимой боли от укусов полицейской собаки.
Сильный М6.6 землетрясения в Чьяпасе, Мексика
Сильный М6.6 землетрясения в Чьяпасе, Мексика: Сильное землетрясение, зарегистрированное USGS как M6.6 хит Chiapas, Мексика в 16: 14 UTC (10: 14 по местному времени) 1 февраля 2019 года. Агентство сообщает о глубине 67,9 км (42,1 мили). EMSC сообщает M6.6 на глубине 70 км (43,5 мили). Geofon reports ...
ПОЧЕМУ ЗАПАД ТАК ОТЧАЯННО НЕНАВИДИТ РОССИЮ? ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО: Если ты не занимаешься политикой,политика займётся тобой
США поставили своих союзников в крайне опасную ситуацию – российские чиновники — новости мира по РТ
США поставили своих союзников в крайне опасную ситуацию – российские чиновники — новости мира по РТ: Приостановка США соблюдения договора РСМД означает его де-факто демонтаж, говорят российские чиновники, добавляя, что Москва готова к такому исходу, но американские союзники могут оказаться в трудном положении.
На фоне кризиса Ливанская община Венесуэлы смотрит на Ливан | Арабские Новости
На фоне кризиса Ливанская община Венесуэлы смотрит на Ливан | Арабские Новости: Дубай: венесуэльский мужчина сидит на тротуаре города в хаосе. Он берет в руки черную спортивную сумку, несущую все свое имущество, вынужден покинуть свой дом из-за невыносимых экономических и политических кризисов, которые иссушили страну. В мире далеко, Ливанская женщина снимает доллары США со своего банка каждую неделю и заправляет их под своей кроватью, опасаясь, что экономика, и
Two men shot in incidents in N.Ireland’s Londonderry — police | Arab News
Two men shot in incidents in N.Ireland’s Londonderry — police | Arab News: BELFAST: Northern Ireland police said on Friday two men were shot in “paramilitary style attacks” at about 8 p.m. in two locations in the Ballymagroarty area of Londonderry. “Innocent residents shouldn’t have to worry about criminal thugs shooting people outside their homes,” the police department said in a tweet. ( On Jan. 19, a car bomb detonated
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Extreme political violence 2
Extreme political violence 2
No to kidnapping, torture worse than waterboarding, in Christchurch, trafficking and forced to the point of death, totally unwilling into some horror situation with your Nazi gang member pawn mates. Punishments, to de humanize, discredit, de civilianize and ruin life. Theft of writings, years of diaries, journals, scrapbooks and research cards in boxes, stolen, ripped of by brute abuse of power force. We dont like your politics. Not a writer, a crazy, whore, gang member troll. These Nazi extremists should not run a state within a state in New Zealand. Holding people slaves, prisoners, torture victims in plain site is an attempt at running a state within a state. Nazis without a party. Rape slavery, trafficking is a crime, there are victims, stop blaming and punishing victims. political violence classic. Sadistic, inhuman, cruel, degrading typical abuse of power in New Zealand. No doubt these Nazis without a party are using illegal specialist American equipment to sleep deprive me, target me with electronic attacks, lies and slander. Hate crimes. Threats and sadistic horror.
The woman who is yelling at me is a war criminal. All these Nazi weirdos are just war criminals. Sadistic bitch. She has no damn right to rip off my writings of years, target me with tortures and lie, slander, victim blame and fraud me. The threats and horrors wont happen. Cruel, sadistic, hate crime, totally illegal, theft, abuse of power, political violence, gross obliteration of basic human rights. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Everyone thats not a Nazi like us is crazy and tortureable. They have no damn right to do these crimes to me or anyone else. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. Nazis without a party, no one elected them, they dont vote within the system. Its my life, my body, my work and usually my home. They cant just enslave, kidnap, traffick, torture, lie and slander, fraud and theft innocent people. its political violence of the worst kind. Bullying wont replace voting.
They dont take any notice of voting anyway. Means nothing to them. People should not have any say in their own lives, according to these Nazi extremists. Corruption, these nazi extremists should not have government jobs. This is what they do when they have government jobs. Agenda pushing. Nazi laws dont apply in New Zealand. You dont need new laws for different types of violence, just like you dont need new petrol for different kinds of cars. This sadist bitch who is targeting me now, her Nazi corrupt mates allow her to do these crimes. According to them its ok, coz im not a Nazi and im not human, I dont have any human rights and there is a law that says im not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Everyone goes to school to learn to read and write, you cant say we dont like your politics so we will ban you and steal all your years of writing. Inhuman life in New Zealand. Calling for these Nazi extremists to be banned and outlawed is the right thing to do. Solve my own problems. Toxic political violence and the only people who get punished are the victims. The victim business. Sadistic horror. no way can these political enemies get away with this. Ive given up being a victim of their horror.
No way will they ever do those crimes to me again. Its my life, they have no right preventing me from getting on with my life. This is not just a nasty political opinion, its extreme violence and sadistic horror. This is New Zealand. Kids in New Zealand are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. The main cause of the highest youth suicide rate in the world by far, is these Nazi extremists and their government jobs. Im not a teen. People of all ages get held in slavery, kidnap but not in one place, forced with extreme bullying into horror situations to ruin their life. You only get one life, being forced brutally into a horror situation and having no say in your own life is horror. No way will they ever do that ever again. I have made some decisions for my life, my choice and my future. They cant change this and they wont. They steal years of writing work, I start again like I have and keep writing diaries, journals, research indexes.
They will one day get the message that its my life, my body, my work and my home and they have no right to invade, ruin, torture, enslave or otherwise cause trouble. Why steal things they call, old news, paragraphs on cards in order in boxes, history research. If its not worth money and they think its rubbish, why steal it all then. How sadistic. Abuse of power. Obliteration of basic human rights. Political violence. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. They also stole my single bed and forced me to re home my cat of 10 years. Very nasty and deliberate.
Forced into homeless, held as a slave, prisoner and torture victim by these Nazi extremists trying to run a state within a state. They yell your not allowed to have a home as a priority. In credit your a bad person, overpaid and try to access our bank. Fraud scams. This kind of extreme bullying is sadistic horror. Corrupt cops say there is no law against it, but you are not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. They refuse to let me get on with my life. Threaten horror after horror. Real crimes, real laws and real victims. Nazi laws dont apply in NZ, regardless of what the corrupt cops say. The situation im in now, taken out of my home and robbed oif my writing work. Banned from getting another home, stalked and those around me stalked too. Lies and slander, hate crimes, false accusations, victim blaming fraud. Fraud and more fraud.
Nazi extremism should be banned in New Zealand. The cause of most of the problems here.
No to kidnapping, torture worse than waterboarding, in Christchurch, trafficking and forced to the point of death, totally unwilling into some horror situation with your Nazi gang member pawn mates. Punishments, to de humanize, discredit, de civilianize and ruin life. Theft of writings, years of diaries, journals, scrapbooks and research cards in boxes, stolen, ripped of by brute abuse of power force. We dont like your politics. Not a writer, a crazy, whore, gang member troll. These Nazi extremists should not run a state within a state in New Zealand. Holding people slaves, prisoners, torture victims in plain site is an attempt at running a state within a state. Nazis without a party. Rape slavery, trafficking is a crime, there are victims, stop blaming and punishing victims. political violence classic. Sadistic, inhuman, cruel, degrading typical abuse of power in New Zealand. No doubt these Nazis without a party are using illegal specialist American equipment to sleep deprive me, target me with electronic attacks, lies and slander. Hate crimes. Threats and sadistic horror.
The woman who is yelling at me is a war criminal. All these Nazi weirdos are just war criminals. Sadistic bitch. She has no damn right to rip off my writings of years, target me with tortures and lie, slander, victim blame and fraud me. The threats and horrors wont happen. Cruel, sadistic, hate crime, totally illegal, theft, abuse of power, political violence, gross obliteration of basic human rights. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Everyone thats not a Nazi like us is crazy and tortureable. They have no damn right to do these crimes to me or anyone else. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. Nazis without a party, no one elected them, they dont vote within the system. Its my life, my body, my work and usually my home. They cant just enslave, kidnap, traffick, torture, lie and slander, fraud and theft innocent people. its political violence of the worst kind. Bullying wont replace voting.
They dont take any notice of voting anyway. Means nothing to them. People should not have any say in their own lives, according to these Nazi extremists. Corruption, these nazi extremists should not have government jobs. This is what they do when they have government jobs. Agenda pushing. Nazi laws dont apply in New Zealand. You dont need new laws for different types of violence, just like you dont need new petrol for different kinds of cars. This sadist bitch who is targeting me now, her Nazi corrupt mates allow her to do these crimes. According to them its ok, coz im not a Nazi and im not human, I dont have any human rights and there is a law that says im not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Everyone goes to school to learn to read and write, you cant say we dont like your politics so we will ban you and steal all your years of writing. Inhuman life in New Zealand. Calling for these Nazi extremists to be banned and outlawed is the right thing to do. Solve my own problems. Toxic political violence and the only people who get punished are the victims. The victim business. Sadistic horror. no way can these political enemies get away with this. Ive given up being a victim of their horror.
No way will they ever do those crimes to me again. Its my life, they have no right preventing me from getting on with my life. This is not just a nasty political opinion, its extreme violence and sadistic horror. This is New Zealand. Kids in New Zealand are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. The main cause of the highest youth suicide rate in the world by far, is these Nazi extremists and their government jobs. Im not a teen. People of all ages get held in slavery, kidnap but not in one place, forced with extreme bullying into horror situations to ruin their life. You only get one life, being forced brutally into a horror situation and having no say in your own life is horror. No way will they ever do that ever again. I have made some decisions for my life, my choice and my future. They cant change this and they wont. They steal years of writing work, I start again like I have and keep writing diaries, journals, research indexes.
They will one day get the message that its my life, my body, my work and my home and they have no right to invade, ruin, torture, enslave or otherwise cause trouble. Why steal things they call, old news, paragraphs on cards in order in boxes, history research. If its not worth money and they think its rubbish, why steal it all then. How sadistic. Abuse of power. Obliteration of basic human rights. Political violence. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. They also stole my single bed and forced me to re home my cat of 10 years. Very nasty and deliberate.
Forced into homeless, held as a slave, prisoner and torture victim by these Nazi extremists trying to run a state within a state. They yell your not allowed to have a home as a priority. In credit your a bad person, overpaid and try to access our bank. Fraud scams. This kind of extreme bullying is sadistic horror. Corrupt cops say there is no law against it, but you are not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. They refuse to let me get on with my life. Threaten horror after horror. Real crimes, real laws and real victims. Nazi laws dont apply in NZ, regardless of what the corrupt cops say. The situation im in now, taken out of my home and robbed oif my writing work. Banned from getting another home, stalked and those around me stalked too. Lies and slander, hate crimes, false accusations, victim blaming fraud. Fraud and more fraud.
Nazi extremism should be banned in New Zealand. The cause of most of the problems here.
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