Thursday, January 31, 2019

Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on April 2, 2019 - Google+ Help

Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on April 2, 2019 - Google+ Help

U.S. to stop complying with nuclear pact with Russia after talks flop | Reuters

U.S. to stop complying with nuclear pact with Russia after talks flop | Reuters

Decades-old CIA crack-cocaine scandal gains new momentum — RT USA News

Decades-old CIA crack-cocaine scandal gains new momentum — RT USA News

Extreme political violence 2

Extreme political violence 2

No to kidnapping, torture worse than waterboarding, in Christchurch, trafficking and forced to the point of death, totally unwilling into some horror situation with your Nazi gang member pawn mates. Punishments, to de humanize, discredit, de civilianize and ruin life. Theft of writings, years of diaries, journals, scrapbooks and research cards in boxes,  stolen, ripped of by brute abuse of power force. We dont like your politics. Not a writer, a crazy, whore, gang member troll. These Nazi extremists should not run a state within a state in New Zealand. Holding people slaves, prisoners, torture victims in plain site is an attempt at running a state within a state. Nazis without a party. Rape slavery, trafficking is a crime, there are victims, stop blaming and punishing victims. political violence classic. Sadistic, inhuman, cruel, degrading typical abuse of power in New Zealand. No doubt these Nazis without a party are using illegal specialist American equipment to sleep deprive me, target me with electronic attacks, lies and slander. Hate crimes. Threats and sadistic horror.

The woman who is yelling at me is a war criminal. All these Nazi weirdos are just war criminals. Sadistic bitch. She has no damn right to rip off my writings of years, target me with tortures and lie, slander, victim blame and fraud me. The threats and horrors wont happen. Cruel, sadistic, hate crime, totally illegal, theft, abuse of power, political violence, gross obliteration of basic human rights. We dont recognize you as a human being, we are Nazis. You dont qualify for human rights, we are Nazis. Everyone thats not a Nazi like us is crazy and tortureable. They have no damn right to do these crimes to me or anyone else. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. Nazis without a party, no one elected them, they dont vote within the system. Its my life, my body, my work and usually my home. They cant just enslave, kidnap, traffick, torture, lie and slander, fraud and theft innocent people. its political violence of the worst kind. Bullying wont replace voting.

 They dont take any notice of voting anyway. Means nothing to them. People should not have any say in their own lives, according to these Nazi extremists. Corruption, these nazi extremists should not have government jobs. This is what they do when they have government jobs. Agenda pushing. Nazi laws dont apply in New Zealand. You dont need new laws for different types of violence, just like you dont need new petrol for different kinds of cars.  This sadist bitch who is targeting me now, her Nazi corrupt mates allow her to do these crimes. According to them its ok, coz im not a Nazi and im not human, I dont have any human rights and there is a law that says im not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. Its a basic human right to read, write and communicate. Everyone goes to school to learn to read and write, you cant say we dont like your politics so we will ban you and steal all your years of writing. Inhuman life in New Zealand. Calling for these Nazi extremists to be banned and outlawed is the right thing to do. Solve my own problems. Toxic political violence and the only people who get punished are the victims. The victim business. Sadistic horror. no way can these political enemies get away with this. Ive given up being a victim of their horror.

 No way will they ever do those crimes to me again. Its my life, they have no right preventing me from getting on with my life. This is not just a nasty political opinion, its extreme violence and sadistic horror. This is New Zealand. Kids in New Zealand are no crazier than kids anywhere else in the world. The main cause of the highest youth suicide rate in the world by far, is these Nazi extremists and their government jobs. Im not a teen. People of all ages get held in slavery, kidnap but not in one place, forced with extreme bullying into horror situations to ruin their life. You only get one life, being forced brutally into a horror situation and having no say in your own life is horror. No way will they ever do that ever again.  I have made some decisions for my life, my choice and my future. They cant change this and they wont. They steal years of writing work, I start again like I have and keep writing diaries, journals, research indexes.

 They will one day get the message that its my life, my body, my work and my home and they have no right to invade, ruin, torture, enslave or otherwise cause trouble. Why steal things they call, old news, paragraphs on cards in order in boxes, history research. If its not worth money and they think its rubbish, why steal it all then. How sadistic. Abuse of power. Obliteration of basic human rights. Political violence. They should not be running a state within a state in NZ. They also stole my single bed and forced me to re home my cat of 10 years. Very nasty and deliberate.

Forced into homeless, held as a slave, prisoner and torture victim  by these Nazi extremists trying to run a state within a state. They yell your not allowed to have a home as a priority. In credit your a bad person, overpaid and try to access our bank. Fraud scams. This kind of extreme bullying is sadistic horror. Corrupt cops say there is no law against it, but you are not allowed a pencil, too dangerous. They refuse to let me get on with my life. Threaten horror after horror. Real crimes, real laws and real victims. Nazi laws dont apply in NZ, regardless of what the corrupt cops say. The situation im in now, taken out of my home and robbed oif my writing work. Banned from getting another home, stalked and those around me stalked too. Lies and slander, hate crimes, false accusations, victim blaming fraud. Fraud and more fraud.

Nazi extremism should be banned in New Zealand. The cause of most of the problems here.